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Museums Naples and surroundings

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Museo Archeologico Nazionale – National Archeological Museum

Piazza Museo, 19 - Tel. 081.4422149 - Web site: 

Closed on Tuesdays Open: Wed to Mon -Hours: 9.00 a.m. - 7.30 p.m. Open until 11.00

P.m. only on last Tuesdays of every month

Tickets fares: adults € 6.50 - (18 - 24) € 3.25- under 18 and over 65 free. Different prices in case of performances and exhibitions. Services: Disabled access; bookshop; library

Means of transport: Metro Line 1 Museo Station, - Line 2 Cavour Station - buses: R4 - R1C47 - C34 - C16

It is the most ancient and important archaeologicalmuseum in Europe; it can boast the richestand valuable heritage of archaeological works ofart and artefacts in Italy. The collections are displayedon the ground floor, the basement, mezzanineand main floor. On the ground floor, youwill find the Greek-roman marble sculptures;most of them Classic and Hellenistic Age copies, that are often the only ones of now lost originals.They come from several sites: first of all from theFarnese collection and then from several excavations.Toro Farnese is of remarkable importance.In the basement, there are the epigraphicsection and the Egyptian section. On the mainfloor, we start from Salone della Meridiana thatoriginally was to host the Bourbon library namedafter the sundial drawn on the floor: Here thegreat Atlante Farnese is kept. From Salone dellaMeridiana you can go to the Frescoes collectionleading to the rooms dedicated to Villa dei Papyri,the sumptuous Pisonis house in Herculaneumfrom which sculptures, bronzes and the famouspapyruses with Greek texts come and are nowkept at the National Library.


Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte – National Museum of Capodimonte

Via Miano, 2 - Tel. 081.7499111 Web site: - 

Closed on Wednesday Open: Thu to Tue

Hours: 8.30 a.m. - 7.30 p.m. (the ticket officecloses at 6.30 p.m.) Ticket fares: adults € 7.50 - reduced (18 - 25) € 3.75 - reduced (hours 2.00 - 5.00 p.m.) € 6.50 - under 18 and over 65 free (reductions only for EU citizens)

Means of transport: Metro: Line 1 Colli AmineiStation - Line 2 Cavour Station - then bus:C63 - R4 - C63

The building of Reggia di Capodimonte goesback to the reign of Carlo di Borbone to host theFarnese’s art collection. The royal palace waslater enriched with items from the former Bourbon royal sites and it is the only ancientart museum in Italy to have also a sectionof contemporary art. It keeps worksfrom Caravaggio to Masaccio, from Titianto Neapolitan nineteenth-centuryart. The Museum is on three floors. Onthe main floor you find the Farnese Gallery and the Royal Apartment, the second floorhouses the Neapolitan Gallery and the third thenineteenth century collection and the ContemporaryArt collection.Galleria Farnese keeps the extraordinary familycollection, arrived in Naples as inheritance ofKing Carlo di Borbone, son of Elisabeth Farnese,the last descendant of the famous Italianrenaissance family. In the Neapolitan Gallery,there are works by southern artists or by masterslike Simone Martini, Titian and Caravaggio;the nineteenth century collection includes theworks of the most important Neapolitan mastersthat prove what the pictorial Neapolitan schoolwas, between academic tradition and the newthemes of the real. Finally, the contemporary artcollection is mostly composed of works by importantInternational artists specially planned forthe rooms of Capodimonte on solo shows, thefirst being the one dedicated to Alberto Burri in1978 who displayed Grande Cretto Nero.


Palazzo Reale- The Royal Palace

Piazza del Plebiscito, 1 - Tel. 081.5808111; 848.800288 - Web site: - 

Closed on Wednesdays Open: Thu to Tue

Hours: 9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m. Tickets fares:Adults € 4.00 - UE residents 18 - 24 € 2.00 -under 18 e over 65 free Means of transport:

Funicolare Centrale Augusteo station – BusesC24 - E3 - E6 - R1 - R2 - R4

The viceroy Fernandez Ruiz de Castro, who in1559 wanted a great palace to host the kingand the Spanish court built the Royal Palaceof Naples. Domenico Fontana, a well-knownarchitect at the papal court had the commission.The works started in 1600 and went onfor centuries.Gaetano Genovese enlarged theoriginal plan and gave the palace a unified,architectural line and completed the buildingin 1843. The Royal Apartment is the core ofthe building. A monumental marble largestaircase decorated with allegoric bas-reliefson the bottom line leads to the Apartment.

Certosa e Museo di San Martino – Carthusian and Museum of San Martino

Piazzale San Martino, 5 - Tel. 081.5586408; 848.800288; 081.2294502 - Web site: 

Wed closed

Open: Thu - Tue 8.30 a.m. - 7.30 p.m. (the ticketoffice closes at 6.30 p.m.)

Tickets: Adults € 6,00; reduced (18 - 25) €3,00 - under 18 - over 65 and students of humanisticfaculties free admission; and Artecardholders 50% off. Services: partial access for disabled people

Transports: Metro Line 1, Vanvitelli Station – Line2, Cavour Station and then Line 1 – Funicolaredi Chiaia, Cimarosa Station - Central Funicular,Piazza Fuga Station and Funicolare di Montesanto,Morghen Station, then V1 Bus.

The Neapolitan Charterhouse, dedicated to St.Martin bishop of Tours, was founded in 1325 forKing Charles’ will, the Angevin Robert‘s son. Thehuge structure is a work by Tino, the son of thesculptor Camaino and by Attanasio Primario.Between the end of the 16th century and the 18thcentury the whole monastery was completelytransformed by means of many artists. The oldkitchens house the section of the Nativity Scenes, whose starting unit, composed of the important collection by Cuciniello, has been enriching over the years with donations to become nowadays the most complete and important among the public and private Italian collections. The Museumhouses also the Prior’s Quarter, where la Verginecon Bambino e san Giovannino by Pietro Bernini is on display.


Castel Nuovo – New Castle, also known as Castle Maschio Angioino

Maschio Angioino - Piazza Municipio - Tel. 081.7955877

Closed on Sundays

Open: Mon to Sat - Hours: 9.00 a.m. - 7.00p.m. last tickets 6.00 p.m.

Tickets fares: Adults € 5, 00 - under 18 – over65 - Students of Art free. Groups 20% off -School groups free Disabled access only partial. Means of transport: Buses C24 - C82 - R2- R3

The building of Castel Nuovo, known also asMaschio Angioino, began in 1279, under Carlo I d’Angiò, planned by the French architect Pierre deChaule. During Roberto d’Angiò reign, theCastle became a center of culture that hosted artists,doctors and literary men such as Giotto,Petrarch and Boccaccio. The Aragoneses withAlfonso Isucceeded them. He, like his predecessors, took up residence in CastelNuovo, refurbished it and built on theoutside the imposing Triumph Archbetween Torre di Mezzo and Torre dellaGuardia, to celebrate his victorious enteringinto the city of Naples. The structureof the Aragonese building ismore massive than the previous one and quitelike the one standing today, renewed in the firstyears of the century. At present, the site is forcultural meetings and houses the Civic Museumwith a path among the Scala dell’Armeria,the Palatine Chapel, the 1st and 2nd floor of thesouthern curtain wall, Carlo V Room and Sala della Loggia. The fourteenth century PalatineChapel keeps items, holy ornaments and worksby Caracciolo, Solimena and Giordano togetherwith modern art paintings. The first floor hasmainly religious works from former churchesand boards, on the second floor works from theeighteenth to the twentieth century with a preciouspainting collection of the Neapolitan Nineteenthcentury are displayed per themes.


Castel Sant’Elmo – Castle and Fortress St Elmo, Museum

Via Tito Angelini, 20 - Tel. 081.2294401; 081.5587708 - Web site: 

Closed on Tuesdays

Open: Wed to Mon - Hours: 8.30 a.m.7.30 p.m. last tickets 6.30 p.m.

Ticket fares: adults € 5,00 - (18 - 25 ) € 2,50- under 18 and over 65 free (reductions onlyfor EU citizens)

Means of transport: Metro Line 1 Vanvitelli station- Line 2 Cavour station and Line 1Funicolare di Chiaia Cimarosa station, FunicolareCentrale Piazza Fuga station and Funicolaredi Montesanto Morghen, station and bus V1

The castle took on its present appearance followingfortification works built by the viceroy Don Pedro di Toledo and planned by the architectLuigi Scrivà. He planned a star shapedlayout with six points twenty meters longerthan the central body and large embrasuresinstead of tie rods in the inwards corners. Itwas surrounded by a moat with a big storagetank. Before the moat there is a small Churchthat the Spaniards dedicated to Our Lady ofPilar in 1682. Today it hosts important, Nationalexhibitions and events.


Museo del Novecento Napoli – Museum of the 20th Century

Carcere Alto di Castel Sant’Elmo - Via Tito Angelini - Tel. 081 5587708

Closed on Tuesday Open: Wed to Mon

Hours: 8.30 a.m. - 06.30 p.m. Ticket fares: € 5,00

Means of transport: Funicolare Centrale, Funicolare

di Montesanto, Funicolare di Chiaia, Metro

Line 1, Vanvitelli Station; Bus: V1

Novecento in Naples unwinds through a chronologicalpath divided into sections: from the documentationof the so called Secessionism of thetwenty-three (1909) or the First Futurism in Naples(1910 - 1914) to the movement of Circumvisionists(Neapolitan vanguard during the fascist period) and the second Futurism (Twenties -Thirties); from the several documents on the productionbetween the two wars to the experiencesfollowing the second post-war period (1948 -1958), from ‘Gruppo Sud’ to the so called Neorealism,from the group of M.A.C. to the one ofInformal or the ‘58. Then the sections for the Seventiesespecially referred, and not only, to thePoetic-visual Experimentations and to the activitiesof groups working in the social field. In thelast section you will find the activities of the peoplewho, still working after 1980 and experimentingdifferent forms of language, were already knownbefore the terrible earthquake of Nov. 23, 1980 hitand profoundly marked the reality and the expectationsof both Naples and the Southern areas.


Castel dell’Ovo also called Marino Castle

Borgo Marinari - Tel. 081.7956180/81

Open: Mon to Sat - Hours: 9.00 a.m. - 7.30 p.m.- Sun and festival days: 9.0 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. Ticketsfares: Free entrance Means of transport: bus4 - 601 - C12 - C18 - C28 - R3 - R7

Castel dell’Ovo stands on the ancient Megarideislet. One of the imaginative Neapolitan tales tellsthat it was named after an egg that Virgilio hid insidea cage in the basements of the castle.Theplace where the egg was kept was heavily lockedbecause “all the facts and the fortune of Castle Marino”depended on the egg. Since that moment thedestiny of the Castle, and of the whole city of Naples,has been bound to that egg. The chroniclesquote that at the time of Queen Giovanna I, the castlewas seriously damaged because the huge archjoining the two rocks on which the castle stood,collapsed; the Queen had to solemnly declare thatthe egg had been replaced in order to avoid thepanic in town for fear of new and greater disasters.It is the mythical tomb of Partenope and Virgiliosaw it when Lucio Licinio Lucullo lived there. TheNormans, and later the Angioino, turned it intoa military fortress, as it stands today.


Museum Diego Aragona Pignatelli Cortes

Via della Riviera di Chiaia, 200 - Tel. 081.7612356; 081.669675 - Web site: 

Closed on Tuesdays

Open: Wed to MonHours: 8.30 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.

Tickets fares: Adults € 2.00 - reduced (18-25)€ 1,00 - under 18 e over 65 free

Artecard owners 10% off for booksMeans of transport: Metro: Line 2 Piazza

Amedeo Station - Funicolare di Chiaia Parco Margherita station - buses: C24 - C12 - C18 - C26 - C27 - C28 - R3 - R7

The neoclassical mansion and the largeestate, known as Villa Pignatelli, now DiegoAragona Pignatelli Cortes Museum, were builtin 1826. The first floor is ideal for culturalevents and exhibitions and houses the permanentexhibition of Banco di Napoli’s art collections.A library with more than 2000 books,4000 opera and classic music records and theMuseum of Carriages dedicated to MarcheseMari D’Alessandro di Civitanova are among the attractions of theplace.


Museum Duca di Martina

Via Cimarosa, 77 - Tel. 081.5788418 - 081.2292110 - Web site: - 

Closed on Tuesdays

Open: Wed to Mon

Hours: 8.30 a.m. - 2.00 p. m . Ticket office isopen until 1.15 p.m. The park closes 1 hourbefore sunsetTickets fares: Adults € 2.50 - reduced (18 - 25)€ 1.25 - under 18 e over 65 free. Artecard owners20% off. Services: Disabled accessMeans of transport: Funicolare di Chiaia: Cimarosastation and Funicolare Centrale PiazzaFuga station - Buses 130 - C28 - C31 - C32 -C36 - V1

It’s the neoclassical mansion of Ferdinando IV Bourbon’ssecond wife, Lucia Migliaccio duchess ofFloridia. Today it keeps one of the most valuablecollections of European and Eastern ornamentalart. Since 1927, the mansion houses the NationalMuseum of Ceramics Duca di Martina.


San CarloTheatre and Opera house

Via San Carlo, 98/F - Tel. 081.7972468 - Web site: www.teatrosancarlo.itOpen: all week by appointmentVisit: Mon to Sat (081 5534565) 10.00 a.m.-5.30 p.m.; Sun (081-7972349 - 7972468)11.00 - 12.30 a.m.Tickets fares: Full € 5.00 - students and disabled€ 3.00 - Sun € 10,00Services: Disabled accessMeans of transport: Funicolare Centrale Augusteostation - Buses C24 - E3 - E6 - R2

King Carlo Bourbon built San Carlo Theatrein 1737 to give the city a new theatre representingthe king power. During the eighteenthcentury, the theatre was renewed manytimes to meet the changed needs of updatingor the need to improve the acoustics. In thefirst years of 1800 Domenico Barbaja was interestedin starting a new renovation of thetheatre to add new spaces for his activity ofgame of chance contractor. Antonio Niccolini(1772-1850) was the director of the renovations.The leader of Neoclassicism in Naplesintervenes many times on the building till thepresent shape; in the night of 13 February1816 a fire destroyed the Neapolitan Maximusand only the perimeter walls and the adjoinedpart remained. Antonio Niccolinidirected the rebuilding that was carried on innine months (!) and remade the hall as it wasin 1812. The present foyer, realized in the easternside of the Royal Palace garden wasmade in 1937 on the drawing of MichelePlatania. In 1943 it was destroyed by a bombingand rebuilt immediately after the war.Besides the revival of the melodramatic repertoireand of the nineteenth century masterpieces,San Carlo Theatre acted also tothe revival of the comic opera.Enrico Caruso, world famous tenor and born in Naples, never act out at the San Carlo.


Diocesan Museum

Santa Maria Donnaregina Nuova - Largo Donnaregina - Tel 081.5571365 - 

Closed: Tue - Open: Wed to Sat,Mon 9.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. / Sun9.30 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.Tickets: Full € 6,00; students € 3,00;over 65 € 4,00 Means of transport: MetroLine 1 Museo station; Line 2 Cavour station;Buses: C51 - C52

The Diocesan Museum in Naples is locatedin the splendid church of DonnareginaNuova, rich of frescos, paintings, sculptures,marble tarsiers and wooden intaglios. It is areal gem of the Baroque art. The visit introducestourists to religious themes throughthe works by some artists of the past whobrought prestige to the artistic history of thecity and the diocese as well.


Duomo di Napoli - Museo del Tesoro di San Gennaro –
Cathedral of Naples – Treasure Museum of St. Januarius

Via Duomo, 149 - Tel. 081.294980 - Web site: - 

Open: Hours: 9.00 - 6.00 p.m.Means of Transport: Metro Line 1 Dante Station- Line 2 Cavour Station - Buses R2

Carlo I D’Angiò started the building that wascarried on during Carlo I I’s reign till Robertod’Angiò finished in the twenties of the fourteenthcentury.The Church, damaged in different seismicevents, was often restored and remade sothat it shows different styles. The Cathedralhas three aisles and a polygonal apse. Theroof is made of wooden trusses in the naveand cross vaults in the aisles. The three entranceportals that welcome the visitors areby Antonio Baboccio da Piperno and dated1407. The central portal shows two fourteenthcentury lions and the lunette keeps aMadonna and Child by Tino da Camaino.Along the walls of the nave there are paintingsby Luca Giordano and in the aislesthere are fine sepulchre.Two chapels open at the sides of the apse:Minutolo Chapel with mosaic floors and thirteenthcentury frescoes and Tocco Chapelwith a fresco by Pietro Cavallini. Under theAltar there is the crypt of San Gennaro. TheTreasure Chapel, with a central plan, is closedwith a golden gate by Cosimo Fanzago.In this Chapel they keep the ampulla with SanGennaro skull and the clotted blood thatmelts twice a year.San Gennaro’s Treasure is formed by manyitems: old documents, precious objects, silveritems, jewels and paintings. The museumwill host theme exhibitions: each ofthem connected to the different types ofitems that form the entire treasure.


Monumental complex of Santa Chiara

Via Santa Chiara, 49/c - Tel. 081.5516673 - Web site: 

Open: Mon to Sat –Hours: 9.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m.(last entrance at 5.00 p.m.), Sun 10.00 a.m. -2.30 p.m. Tickets fares: Adults € 5,00 studentsand groups € 3,50. Free entrance to the Basilica.Services: Disabled access Means of transport:Metro: Line 1 Dante Station - Line 2 MontesantoStation - buses: E2

The basilica and the monastery of Santa Chiarawere built between 1310 and 1340 on a Romanthermal complex of the first century AD.Originally built in Provencal gothic style, AntonioVaccaro widely renewed it in baroquestyle. The 1943 bombing started a fire that almosttotally destroyed the Church. Before thefacade you find a three oval arched porches;the middle one frames the red and yellow marbleportal with the Sancia’s coat of arms. Therose window on the top was opened during therenovation. Today the inside is an only rectangularnave, austere and no transepts with 10chapels on each side. The complex , withinthe Franciscan citadel includes the Opera Museum,the Archaeological Area, the majolicatiled cloister and the eighteenth century Nativityscene Hall. The Museum tells the workingfacts and the historical-artistic development ofthe Franciscan monastic citadel. Inside manydifferent finds coming from the Church, theCloister and the Monastery are on display. Inparticular, the rooms show the materials survivedto the fire that destroyed the Church in1943. Salvo d’Acquisto’s body waiting forbeatification is kept there.


Church San Domenico Maggiore - Sala del Tesoro (TreasureRoom)

Piazza San Domenico Maggiore - Tel. 081.459188 - 081.4420039

Church opening time: every dayHours: 9.30 - 12.00 a.m. / 5.00 - 7.00p.m.

Treasure Hall opening time: Fri and Sat: 9.3012.00 a.m. / 5.00 - 7.00 p.m.; Tue to Thu 9.3012.00 a.m.; Sun 9.30 - 12.00 a.m.; closed onMon.Tickets fares for the Treasure Hall: Adults€ 3,00 - reductions for groups, school groups,under 12 free. Reservation required for groups.Services: Disabled access for the churchMeans of transport: Metro: Line 1 Dante Station- Line 2 Montesanto Station - buses: R2

Carlo II d’Angiò wanted it. At first it was builtin Gothic style from 1293 to 1324 and it becamethe Dominicans’ mother house in thekingdom of Naples and the Church of the Aragonesenobles. Inside, the church is rich inboth sculptural and pictorial works of art. Thefrescoes in Brancaccio Chapel are of great relevancefor their quality of the colors and architecture;they are works by Pietro Cavalliniand represent: Saint John the Evangelist’stales, Crucifixion, Magdalene’s Tales and theApostles Peter, Paul and Andrew.The vestry is a rectangular hall with baroquedecorations of the eighteenth century on drawingsby Giovan Battista Nauclerio. Along thewalls there are walnut stalls finely decoratedand the fresco Triumph of the Faith in the DominicanOrder by Francesco Solimena thatdecorates the vault, is perhaps one of the mostimposing by the artist.The room is famous also for the 45 coffins ofkings covered with precious colored cloths;mostly of them keep the embalmed corpsesof nobles. According to tradition, the wholeAragonesesdynasty (1442- 1503) was buriedthere and among them King Alfonso V ofAragon, named the Magnanimous who diedin 1458 and whose corpuse was later taken toSpain.

Treasure Hall opening time: Fri and Sat: 9.30 12.00 a.m. / 5.00 - 7.00 p.m.; Tue to Thu 9.30 12.00 a.m.; Sun 9.30 - 12.00 a.m.; closed on Mon. Tickets fares for the Treasure Hall: Adults € 3,00 - reductions for groups, school groups, under 12 free. Reservation required for groups. 

The treasure hall houses a permanent exhibitionof altar clothes and religious items ofgreat historical and artistic value and especially,in the adjoining vestry, it keeps clocheand items found in the Sarcophaguses of theAragonian Royalty.


CloisterComplex of San Lorenzo Maggiore

Piazza San Gaetano, 316 - Tel. 081.2110860 - Web site: 

Open: Mon to Sat - Hours: 9.30 a.m. - 5.30p.m. Sundays: 9.30 a.m. - 1.30 p.m.Tickets fares: Museum included € 9,00 under18 € 6,00 - over 65 and Artecard holders €7,00Free entrances to the BasilicaMeans of transport: Metro: Line 1 Dante Station- Line 2 Cavour Station - buses: R2

San Lorenzo Maggiore basilica is one of theoldest in Naples. It dates back to the twelfthcentury and keeps its gothic inside. The facadeshows a gothic portal with the originalfourteenth wooden doors, each divided into48 squares in a good state of preservation.It is a crossed-layout basilica with side chapelswith pointed arches that open on an onlynave with a truss-ceiling (like the transept).Among the side chapels: Sant ’Antonio’s largegrandly baroque chapel with two paintings byMattia Preti: Santa Chiara e Crucifies di SanFrancesco. In the chapel there was also thefamous painting by Simone Martini San Ludovicod’Angiò who crowns the brotherRobertoKing of Naples, now kept in the CapdimonteMuseum.The magnificent apse is a clear example of theFrench gothic influence on the basilica. Theambulatory with radial chapels and a highpresbytery with multistyled pillars, ribs andcross vaults are remarkable; in the first arcadethere is Catarinad’Austria sepulchre, probablyTino da Camaino’s first Neapolitan work.Two female statues symbolizing Hope andCharity prop the sarcophagus.Giovanni Boccaccio and Fiammetta met here.In the basement, you can see the remains ofthe public buildings of the Greek-roman town,and the present Piazza S. Gaetano stands overthe center of it. Besides the sixth century A.D.Paleochristian Church there are traces of thepre-existent structures dated to the fourth centuryb.Ch.with the “macellum”, the old foodmarket, among them.


Basilica San Paolo Maggiore

Piazza San Gaetano 76 - Tel: 081454048 - Web site: 

Basilica opening hours: Mon to SatHours: 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. - Sundays:10.00 a.m. - 12.30 a.m.Crypt and San Gaetano Sanctuary’s: Mon to Sun- Hours: 8.00 - 10.00 a.m. / 5.00 p.m. - 7.00p.m.Means of transport: Buses R2

San Paolo Maggiore Basilica stands over theGreek-roman forum built on the remains ofthe Dioscuri temple; there are still two Corinthiancolumns with their architraves jutting outof the facade. It has a Latin cross layout withthree aisles. The nave’s ceiling, damaged inthe second world war bombings, keeps remainsof the Stories of San Peter’and Paul’sfrescoes. In the sacristy there are some seventeenthcentury pieces of furniture and frescoesrepresenting Angels, Allegories, Virtues andSan Paul’s conversion by Francesco Solimena.In the nave the statue of the GuardianAngel by Antonio Vaccaro stands; it was carvedin 1712 for the homonymous chapel thatin those years was rebuilt by Francesco Solimenaand that was replaced with a statue ofChrist. The High altar was made by the marblemaster Antonio de Luca on the drawing ofFerdinando Fuga. In 1962, during renovationsremains of the primary temple and even a cemeterywere found.


MADRE –Museum of Contemporary Art Donna Regina

Via Settembrini, 79 - Tel. 081.19313016 - Web site: 

Closed on TuesdaysOpen: Wed to MonHours: 10.30 a.m. - 1.30 p.m.Tickets fares: Adults € 7,00 - reduced under25 and teachers € 3,50 – Mon: free entranceServices: Access for disabled by liftsMeans of transport: Metro Line 1 Museo Station- Line 2 Cavour Station - buses: C51 - C52

The Museum of Contemporary Art Donna Regina (M.A.D.R.E) was named after the building that hosts it, that is the Palace Donnaregina , near the S. Maria Donnaregina Monastery, founded by the Swabians (thirteenth century) and later enlarged and rebuilt in 1325 by Queen Maria d’Ungheria, Carlo II d’Angiò wife. Of the ancient complex today only twochurches still stand: The Church of the samename that overlooks Piazza Donnaregina andwas built in baroque age and the fourteenthcentury gothic Church of Donnaregina “theold”, today open to the public when the Museumplans special exhibitions and events.On 10 June 2005 MADRE opened his spacessettings starting ‘site specific’ in the halls onthe first floor. Then, in December 2005, was the openingof the historical collection on the secondfloor. At last, in April 2006 the great anthologicalexhibition dedicated to Jannis Kounellismarks the opening to the public of the thirdfloor halls meant for temporary exhibitions.


PAN -  Palazzo delle Arti di Napoli – Palazzo of the Arts of Naples

Via dei Mille, 60 - Tel 081.7958605/6 - Web site: 

Closed on TuesdaysOpen: Mon to Sat - Hours: 9.30 a.m. - 7.30 p.m.- Sundays and holidays: 9.30 a.m. - 2.30 p.m.Tickets fares: Free entrance for the documentationcenter - Different prices according tothe activities of the exposition centersServices: Access to disabled by liftsMeans of transport: Metro Line 2 Piazza Amedeostation - buses C24 - C28 - E6

It is the first public place meant to be a permanentcenter for contemporary art. Pan hostscultural expressions of every form of art allowingconsulting, to display and promote themost significant works and the most valuabledocuments of the contemporary age. Frompainting to sculpture, architecture, photography,cinema design, video art and comics.


Quadreria dei Girolamini

Via Duomo, 142 - Tel. 081294444 or 3314267772 - Web site:, 

Hours of opening permanent changes, therefore is better to ask for themon the ground: Current opening hours: In Winter only SAT 10.00 a.m. – 13.00 p.m., in May Sat and Sun 10.00 a.m. – 13.00 p.m, in Summer Mon to Fri, 09.00 a.m. – 02.00 p.m.  For exact opening hours ask: or by calling no. 0039331 4267772.Visit includes: Basilica, Chapel of Assunta, newsection of Quadreria and sacristy, Cloisters andpicture galleryTickets fares about 5-7 Euro. Means of transport: Metro Line1 Dante Station -Line 2 Cavour Station - buses: R2

The Picture Gallery is set in some rooms next tothe Girolamini oratory. The collection dates backbetween the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuriesand, being on display in the sacristy, peoplecould watch it. The visit goes through six rooms:in the first there are works datable between thesixteenth and the eighteenth centuries. In the secondroom among other paintings there are theAdorazione dei Magi by Federico Zuccari, laMadonna con Bambino e San Francesco by Pomarancio.The third and fourth room displaypaintings by Francesco Allegri, Antonio Vaccaroand Giovanni Balducci. The fifth room hosts SanPietro e Sant’Andrea by Domenichino and Fugain Egitto by Guido Reni. There are paintings by Caracciolo and you also can see paintings by Battistello, Ribera, Stomer-with a few examples of Classicist and Baroque Neapolitan and by the emilianoes -Stanzione, Giordano, Gessi. Among the 16th century paintings are some drafts for frescoes of Francesco Solimena and Ludovico rosy Mazzanti. At the last reopening of Gallery in 1995, there were inserted new operas, among which there are beautiful pottery of Giuseppe Sanmartino.


Church and Quadreria del Pio Monte della Misericordia

Via dei Tribunali, 253 - Tel. 081.446944 - Web site: 

Closed on Wednesdays

Open: Thu to Tue - Hours: 9.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.Tickets fares: Picture Gallery € 5,00 - under 25 eover 65 € 4,00 - teachers, students, journalists, 10people groups € 3,00 - school groups € 1,50 Artecardholders € 4,00. Services: Disabled access.Means of transport: Metro: Line 1 Dante Station -Line 2 Montesanto Station - buses: R2

The seventeenth century building of PioMonte della Misericordia is composed of theChurch dedicated to Our Lady of Mercy andthe Picture Gallery with works from fifteenthto nineteenth century. The 150 pictures are bythe most famous painters who worked in Naplesas Luca Giordano, Vaccaro, Stanzione,Caracciolo and Ribera; the collection given bythe painter Francesco De Mura is very interesting.But the complex’s feather in the cap isthe large oil painting on the High Alter madeby Caravaggio between 1606 and 1607: Lesette Opere di Misericordia, inspired to the famousartist by the Neapolitan typical alleys.


Chapel Sansevero

Via Francesco De Sanctis, 19 - Tel. 081.5518470 - Web site: 

Closed on TuesdaysHours: 10.00 a.m. - 5.40 p.m. ; Sun and holidays10.00 a.m. - 1.10 p.m.Tickets fare: adults € 7,00; 10 to 25 years € 5,00;school groups under 10 free; Artecard holders€ 5,00; disabled free and helpers € 5.00Partial disabled facilities. Means of transport:Metro: Line 1 Dante Station - Line 2 MontesantoStation - buses: R2 - E2

In 1590 prince Francesco de Sangro built thechapel in the garden of his palace to worshipOur Lady of Mercy. In 1742 Raimondo deSangro, prince of Sansevero gave the chapelthe form we see today. The structure, a rectangularnave , shows very valuable sculptures,such as Deposition by Francesco Celebrano,Pudicizia by Antonio Corradini and Disingannoby Francesco Queirolo. The work that madethe chapel widely known is Cristo velato bySammartino and now placed in the center ofthe chapel. Raimondo de Sangro, literary manand art lover, was especially known as an alchimist.In the chapel there are two examplesof his experimentations: Two standing corpseswhere you can perfectly see their circulatorysystem.So far we don't know how these body have been created. 

Chapelof Monte di Pietà

Via San Biagio dei Librai, 114

Closed: Mon to FriOpen: Saturdays and Sundays: Saturdays9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m. - Sundays 9.00 a.m.2.00 p.m.Tickets fares: Free entranceMeans of transport: Metro Line 1 Dante StationLine 2 Montesanto Station - buses: R2

The history of Sacro Monte di Pietà is closelyrelated to the one of Monte di Pietà thatwas by two Neapolitan gentlemen, Leonardode Palma and Aurelio Paparo establishedin 1539 to fight usury and to help thepoor who often had to borrow money tosolve their everyday problems. The chapel,entirely frescoed, is a real jewel of Manneristelegance even if, through the centuries,several works of art added to them.


Ancient cemetery“delle Fontanelle”

Via Fontanelle, 80 - Napoli Servizi tel. 081 19703197 - 349 1520638

Closed on Wednesdays Open: Thu toTue - Hours 10.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. Freeentrance,no reservation needed Means of transport:Bus C51 and bus C53 (terminus just outsideMaterdei Line 1 metro station).

Old cemetery at the place called the “little fountain”for the presence of streams of water fromthe surrounding hills. After the plague of 1656,the cave has become a charnel house. Falleninto disuse, in 1872 was entrusted to GaetanoBarbati represented in a plaster statue in thecemetery, frequented only on Monday, the dayof the Moon, identified with the dead.The bones are exposed to type long compartments,protected by wooden balusters; beforethe last action of accommodation, the bonesare kept in balance due to a calcification processthat united and made stable. In thesecaves were transported, for three centuries,human remains anonymous from the churchesof this city and recognized by the people as thepoor souls condemned living in purgatory.Many skulls are kept in little temples made withthe hope that the soul of the deceased can helpin life – with prayers, candles-care. A decreeof the Ecclesiastical Court forbade 2th July 1969devotion that the human remains because theyare deemed contrary to Catholic doctrine ofVatican II: remains respect to this particular cemetery,because in each femur, ribs, skull,there is the memory of our ancestors


The tombs of the poets

Tomb of Virgil and Leopardi: Via Piedigrotta, 20 - Tel. 081.669390

Tomb of Jacopo Sannazaro: Chiesa di S. Maria del Parto, Via Mergellina, 9/b - Tel. 081.664627

Tombs of Virgilio and Leopardi open: all week- Hours: 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.; tomb of Sannazaro:all week - hours: 8.00 - 9.30 a.m. /4.30 - 8.00 p.m. - Tickets fares: Free entranceServices: Disabled accessMeans of transport: Metro Line 2 Mergellinastation - buses C16 - C24 - C12- R3 – 140

The tombs of Leopardi and Virgilio stand inthe beautiful park at the foot of the hill that separatesMergellina from Fuorigrotta; the firstis in a very sensational area with tuff caves;the second is a roman colombarium of theAugustan age. The tomb of Jacopo Sannazaro,instead, is kept in Santa Maria del Partoa Mergellina Church.


Grotto of Seiano and Pausilypon

Salita Coroglio - Tel. 081.2301030

Closed on Sundays Open: Mon to Sat - Hours:9.30 a.m. - 10.30 a.m. - 11.15 a.m. - Ticketsfares: Free entrance Means of transport: MetroLine 2 Campi Flegrei station - buses C21 - C23- C27 - R7

The visits starts at the entrance of the monumentalSeiano Grotto at the bottom of the hillof Coroglio: An artificial gallery that cuts Posillipotuff hill and connects Bagnoli andCampi Flegrei areas to Gaiola deep valley;there the remains of the ancient theatre whereVirgilio recited the first lines of Eneide.


Galleria dell’Accademia delle Belle Arti

Via Costantinopoli, 107 - Tel. 081.441900 - Web site: 

Closed on Sundays and MondaysOpen: Tue, Wed, Thu and Sat 10.00 a.m.2.00 p.m.; Fri 2.00 - 6.00 p.m.Free entranceMeans of transport: Metro Line 1 - Dante Station- Metro Line 2 Cavour Station - Buses:C47 - R1 - R4

The gallery of Accademia delle Belle Arti waslocated in the present area, the former conventof San Giovanni delle Monache, rearrangedto the new use by the architect Enrico Alvino,in 1864. The Gallery houses art masterpiecesdated from seventeenth to twentieth centurywith works by Mattia Preti, de Ribera, Morelli,Mancini and the large Palizzi donation.


Museum of Hermann Nitsch

Salita Pontecorvo, 29/d - tel: 081.5641655 - 

Open: Mon to Fri - Hours: 10.00 a.m. - 7.00p.m.; Sat: 10.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. Tickets: full€ 10.00; reduced for students € 5,00; Artecard€ 7,50. Means of transport: Metro Line 1 Dantestation - Metro Line 2 Montesanto station -Buses: 201 - R1 - R4

Nitsch Museum is a functional and flexible placewhere various artistic forms can be experienced.It is divided into different sections: a Collection,started in 1947, which displays installations andworks by Nitsch in collaboration with GiuseppeMorra; a Centre for Documentation, Researchand Training; a Library/Multimedia Library; aDepartment for the Experimental and IndependentCinema; a Contemporary Music Record Libraryfrom 1940 to nowadays; a Centre forPerforming and Multimedia Arts.


Palazzo Zevallos

Via Toledo, 185 - Tel. 800 16052007 - 

Closed: Mon; Open: Tue to SunTicket Fares: € 4,00; Reduced € 3,00 Meansof transport: Metro Line 1 Dante station - Line2 Cavour station - Buses: R1 - R4

It is a splendid 17th century building whichhouses many masterpieces of the internationalart, first of all the “Martyrdom of St. Orsola”by Caravaggio and a rich sectiondedicated to the 18th and 19th century landscapepainting by Van Wittel and Pitloo.Worth seeing is also the hall with the original ancient bankfurnishings! Banca Intesa San Paolo.


Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore alla Pietrasanta

Piazzetta Pietrasanta, 18 - Tel. 081 456997

Closed on SundayOpen: Mon to Sat - Hours: 9.30 a.m. - 6.30 p.m.Means of transport: Buses R2

Santa Maria Maggiore alla Pietrasanta wasbuilt around the first half of VI century as anearly Christian basilica; it was named after aholy stone with a cross engraved on it andnow inside the church. The Church whichstands in the most ancient part of the townwas rebuilt in the second half of XVII centuryon the design of Cosimo Fanzago. It was rebuiltagain in the second half of XVII centuryon Cosimo Fanzagos design; with a centralplan and the floor in terracotta and EighteenthCentury majolica tiles. The Chapel of Salvatoreis of great interest; it stands, next to thefaçade with a polychrome marble altar and themedieval bell tower of the original church andbuilt with the existing marbles of the pre-existentroman buildings.


Castel Capuano

Piazza Enrico De Nicola - Web site:

Closed on Saturdays and SundaysOpen: Mon to Fri - Hours: 9.00 a.m. - 6.30 p.m.Tickets fares: Free entranceMeans of transport: bus 202

It is the oldest Neapolitan Castle named afterthe nearby Porta Capuana. It was the Normanking William I who built it around 1165; FedericoII di Svevia and, later, the Angevinkings enlarged and partly modified it. It wasrenewed again and again until the sixteenthcentury when the viceroy Pedro de Toledomade it a Palace of Justice and a prison.


National Library of Naples – Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli

Piazza del Plebiscito, 1 - Tel: 081.7819231; 081.7819387 - Web site: 

Closed on SundaysOpen: Mon to Fri - Hours: 8.30 a.m.- 7.30 p.m. - Saturdays : 8.30 a.m.-1.30 p.m.Tickets fares: Free entrance with ID card.Means of transport: Funicolare Centrale Augusteostation - Buses C24 - E3- E6 - R1- R2 - R4

The National Library is placed in the easternwing of the Royal Palace that is the part thatwas added in the eighteenth century by FerdinandoFuga to the previous square layoutby Domenico Fontana. You enter the Librarythrough the nineteenth century garden that thefamous botanist Denhardt designed in thearea of the riding stables. Also the imposingmarble staircases to the Library probably are ofthe same age.The present Room is one of four that togetherwith the large dance hall - today a readingroom - were the party Halls In the Book collectionHall tempera ovate on plaster by CamilloGuerra represent the Allegories of theMan’s four ages like four love ages: Spring:Zephyirus and Flora, Summer: Galatea, Autumn:Bacchus and Arianna, Winter: Oriziaand Borea; they represent the picture developmentof the extreme Neapolitan neoclassicism.In the rooms upstairs where once werethe nineteenth century Apartments, there isPompeian style decorations. In the north-easternwing there is the Palatine Library towhich the King’s Scientific cabinet was connected.In the Reading Room on the first flooryou find the walnut and golden wardrobes of“Sala della Meridiana” in the Palace of theStudies, made between 1737 and the eighteenthcentury sixties.The library numbers many collections: Thesection of manuscripts and rare texts, such asthe famous Farnese Collection, Officina deiPapiri Ercolanesi, which contributes to knowthe History of papyruses and, through pictures,provides further elements of inquiry forstudying the texts; the section Lucchesi-Pallithat aims to be a modern show and communicationlibrary and so taking into account noonly theatre, but also music, cinema, television,and even, to some extent, fashion, photography,new media and informationtechnologies.



Il Sottosuolo Napoletano – Naples underground
Associazione Napolisotterranea: Piazza San Gaetano, 68 - Tel. 081.296944 - Web site:

Associazione Laes: Piazza Trieste e Trento - Tel. 081.400256 - Web site: 

Every age, from the foundation of Neapolis tillthe second world war bombings, left a trace onthe yellow tuff walls, tuff that is the main buildingstone of the town. To enter Naples Underground:on the left of San Paolo Church(Association Napolisotterranea) and on PiazzaTrieste e Trento (Association Laes).The association Napolisotterranea organizesguided tours to the subsurface of thetown. Booking preferred. Visit time 90 minutesabout .

Open: Mon - Fri hours: Midday - 2.00 p.m.4.00 p.m. - Thu: Midday - 2.00 p.m. 4.00 p.m.- 9.00 p.m.Tickets fares: Adults € 9,00 - reduced, studentsand teachers € 8,00 - Artecard holders 10% off- Means of transport: Buses R2

The association Laes organizes guidedtours to the subsurface of the town. Bookingpreferred Meeting at Gambrinus bar at PiazzaTrieste e Trento.

Open: Mon - Fri on booking - Thursdays:9.00 p.m. - Saturdays: 10.00 a.m. - Midday -6.00 p.m. - Sundays and Holidays: 10.00 a.m.- 11.00 a.m. - Midday - 6.00 p.m.Tickets fares: Adults € 10,00 ( guided tour) - teachersand students € 8, 00 - under 12 € 6, 00Means of transport: Funicolare Centrale Augusteostation - buses C24 - E3 - E6 - R2


Catacombsof San Gaudioso

Piazza Sanità, 14 - Tel. 081.5441305 - Web site: 

Open: Every day. Guided visits from10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. - Visit time:50 min. Tickets fares: Adults bothCatacombs of San Gennaro and CatacombsSan Gaudioso € 8,00 - under 18 andover 65 € 5,00 under 6 and disabled with theirhelpers entrance free. Means of transport:Metro: Line 1 Materdei Station - Line 2 CavourStation - buses: 201 - C51- C52 - R1

Placed under Santa Maria della SanitàChurch, the catacombs are related to the worshipof San Gaudioso, bishop of Abyssinia inAfrica. The peculiar element is the area underneaththe catacomb that was to make the socalled “seditoi”, seats where the corpses wereplaced to get dry before placing them into acommon ossuary or into a private tomb.


Catacombsof San Gennaro

Via Tondo di Capodimonte, 13 / Basilica del Buon Consiglio - Tel. 081.7443714 - Web site: 

Open: Mon to Sat: hourly guidedvisits from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.Sundays: hourly guided visits from 10.00 1.00 p.m. - Visit time: 50 min. Tickets fares:Adults both Catacombs di San Gennaro and Catacombsdi San Gaudioso € 8,00 - under 18 andover 65 € 5,00 - under 6 and disabled with theirhelpers entrance free. Means of transport:Metro: Line 1 Colli Aminei Station - Line 2 CavourStation and R4 Buses: C63 - C65 - R4

They go back to the second century and are importantboth historically and for the Paleochristianpaintings that embellish them. According to somescholars, their origin is linked to a tombgiven to the Christian community and later becomean official cemetery and religious center.


Stazione Zoologica – Zoological center

Villa Comunale - Tel. 081.5833263 - Web site: 

Closed on Mondays. Open: from 1 March to 31October: Tue to Sat - Hours: 9.00 a.m. - 06.00 p.m.;Sun and holidays 9.30 a.m. - 07.30 p.m.; from 1Nov. to 28 Feb : Tue to Sat 9.00 a.m. - 05.00 p.m.;Sun and holidays 9.30 a.m. - 02.00 p.m.Tickets fares: Adults €1,50 - children 5 - 12years € 1,00 - Under 5 free. Services: Disabledaccess. Means of transport: Buses 140 -C24 - C16 - C28 - R3

The German naturalist Antonio Dohrn foundedthe institute in the second half of nineteenth century.Today it has the oldest aquarium in Europe,with about 30 tanks with 200 species of sea animalsand plants, all from the Gulf of Naples. Italso has a library and sea zoological, botanicaland physiological research laboratories.


Museo di Anatomia – Museum of Anatomy

Via Armanni, 5 - Tel. 081.5666010 - 

Closed on Saturdays and SundaysOpen: Only by appointment; please contact081 5665053Tickets fares: Free entranceMeans of transport: Metro Line 1 Dante Station- Line 2 Cavour Station - buses: R2

The Museum displays a collection of waxhuman organs, made by Francesco Citarelliin the first years of the nineteenth century anda collection of organs preserved in differentways. A special section is for malformationsCyclopyan and double-fronted heads, preservedin formalin or alcohol.



Città della Scienza – City of science

Via Coroglio, 104 - Tel. 081.2420024 - Web site: 

Closed on MondaysOpen: Tue to Sat - Hours: 9.00 a.m. -5.00 p.m. Sundays: 10.00 a.m. - 7.00p.m. Tickets fares: full € 7,50 - reducedfor students and under 18 € 5,50; over 65 free.Services: Disabled accessMeans of transport: Metro Line 2 Campi Flegreistation - buses C21 - C23 - C27 - R7

The first Italian science center. Divided intodifferent sections, it aims at leading to the discoveryof everyday phenomena, from greatscientific discoveries to the human evolution,from physics to mass-communication systemsthrough experimentation and didactictechniquesIn the special section for children,they can make their first discoveries of theworld around them.


Mostra di Coralli e Cammei – Museum of Corals and Cameos

Angiporto Galleria Umberto I, Piazzetta Matilde Serao, 2° piano - Tel. 081.421111 - Web site: 

Closed on Sat afternoon, Sun and Mon morningOpen: Mon to Fri - Hours: 10.30 a.m. -1.30 p.m / 4.00 - 7.00 p.m by appointmentTickets fares: € 5,00 Means of transport: FunicolareCentrale Augusteo station - buses C24 -E3 - E6 - R1 - R2 - R4

The corals and cameos exhibition show the resultsof the centuries-old tradition of Ascionefirm that has been skillfully working corals, cameos,gold, silver precious and semi-preciousstones for 150 years. Founded in 1855, Ascione firm stands out for the sophisticated rigor in interpreting the taste and the fashion trends in the field of the goldsmith’s art and jewelry.


Baia - Zona archeologica – Baia – Archeological Zone

Via Fusaro 37, Bacoli - Tel. 081.8687592; 081.5233310 - Web site: 

Closed on MondaysHours of February: from 1 to 15: 9.00a.m. - 3.40 p.m.; from 16 to 28: 9.00a.m. - 3.00 p.m. Hours of March: from 1 to15: 9.00 a.m. - 4.20 p.m.; from 16 to 31: 9.00a.m. - 3.40 p.m. Tickets (available at Amphitheatreor other sites): Adults € 4,00 (it is validfor 2 days and allows to visit 4 sites of thePhlegraean area: Baia archaeological site;Thermal and Baia Castle; Cuma excavations- Flavio Amphitheatre and Serapeo) - 18 -24 years old € 2,00; free admission under 18and over 65.Transports: Cumana Train to TorregavetaPozzuoli Station; then P12 Bus

The “Phlegraean Fields”, that witness a neverending volcanic activity, are one of the widestand most charming archaeological areas in theworld: from Cumae, the site of the first settlementon dry land of the Greek settlers in Campania,with the extraordinary acropolis and theso-called Antro della Sibilla; to Baia, the holidayresort the Roman people preferred, as the sumptuousthermal baths and the imperial villas attest,with the imposing Aragonese Castle, builtperhaps on the ruins of a villa belonged to Nero


Baia - Museo Archeologico dei Campi Flegrei e Castello
Baia – Museum archeological and Castleof Baia

Via Castello, 45 - Tel. 081.5233797 - Web site: www.campiflegrei.napolibeniculturali.itClosed on MondaysHours of February: from 1 to 15: 9.00 a.m. -3.40 p.m.; from 16 to 28: 9.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m.Hours of March: from 1 to 15: 9.00 a.m. - 4.20p.m.; from 16 to 31: 9.00 a.m. - 3.40 p.m. Tickets(available at Amphitheatre or other sites):Adults € 4,00 (it is valid for 2 daysand allows to visit 4 sites of the Phlegraeanarea: Baia archaeological site; Thermal andBaia Castle; Cuma excavations - Flavio Amphitheatreand Serapeo) - 18 - 24 years old €2,00; free admission under 18 and over 65.Transports: Cumana Train to Torregaveta ArcoFelice or Lucrino Station; Sepsa Bus to Montedi Procida or Bacoli

The Museum is set in the Aragonese Castle ofBaia and is divided into three sections. The first,the Room of the plaster models, displays about60 fragments of plaster casts of the Roman period,the other two display 11 marble gravestonesfound between 1967 and 1970 in theSepulchral Chapel of the Augustali in Miseno.


Pozzuoli - Anfiteatro Flavio e Serapeo–Amphitheater Flavio and Serapeo

Via Terracciano 75 - Tel: 081.5266007

Closed: Tue.Open: Wed - Mon.Hours: 9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m.Tickets: Adults € 4,00 (it is valid for 2 days andallows to visit 4 sites of the Phlegraean area:Baia archaeological site; Thermae and Baia Castle;Cuma excavations - Flavio Amphitheatreand Serapeo) - 18 - 24 years old € 2,00 - freeadmission under 18 and over 65.Transports: for the Temple of Serapis, CumanaTrain to Pozzuoli, Pozzuoli Station, for the FlavianAmphitheatre Metro Line 2, to Pozzuoli,Pozzuoli Station.

The Flavian Amphitheatre is the largest arenaif the Roman world, an example of the extraordinaryskills achieved by the ancient engineering.It was the center of the city life: in theunderground passages under the external ambulatorythere were some places of worshipand of trade associations. the visit to the basementwhich shows the complex organizationof the services essential for thefunctioning of the performances is suggestive


Pozzuoli - Rione Terra – Acropolis Rione Terra

Largo Sedile di Porto - Tel. 848.800.288


It is the ancient acropolis of Pozzuoli, built on tufa rock 33 meters above the sea level. It has a suggestive archeological subterraneanroute which allows walking throughan ancient decumanus and a minor cardine(Roman streets) (Nowadays it is closed to thepublic)



Caserta - Reggia di Caserta – Royal Palace of Caserta

Viale Douhet, 22 - Tel. 0823.448084; 0823.277380 - Web site: - www.arethusa.netClosed: TuesdaysRoyal Apartment’s opening time: Wedto MonHours: 8.30 a.m. - 7.30 p.m. (last entranceat07.00 p.m.).Park opening: from 01/10 8,30 a.m.-4,30 p.m.Tickets: all inclusive € 12,00;for over 18 - under 25 € 6,00 free admissionunder 18 - over 65

Royal Palace of Caserta, with its gardens, representsone of the most joyous projects byVanvitelli. The different environments, finely decorated,still preserve the Borbone furnishingsand give us a splendid example of a XVIII CenturyRoyal residence. Its parkland is divided intothree areas: a large lawn behind the palacewhich includes the old wood, the Briano hill -which leads to the foot of the fountain (about 1000 meters long) - and coveredin thickets, and the English garden.


Pompei – Scavi- Excavations of Pompeii

Via Villa dei Misteri, 2 - Tel. 081.8575347 - Web site: 

Open: All week - Hours: 8.30 a.m. - 7.30p.m. (last entrance at 6.00 p.m.)Tickets: Adults € 11,00 - € 20,00 (it allowsto visit in three days Pompeii and Herculaneumexcavations, the Antiquarium of Boscoreale,the Villas in Stabiae, Oplontiexcavations) reduced - rate tickets € 5,50and € 10,00 for under 24 and EU teachers -free admission for under 18 and over 65 andfor students of Humanistic FacultiesTransports: Circumvesuviana Train to Sorrento,Pompei Villa dei Misteri Station.

Pompeii can be considered the only archaeologicalsite which gives us the imagine of aRoman city as a whole with its 44 already dughectares and the remarkable state of preservationof its buildings, a result of the particularburial (under a cover of ashes and lapilli 6meters high) caused by the earthquake in 79AD.


Ercolano – Scavi – Excavations of Herculaneum

Corso Resina - Tel. 081.8575347 - Web site: 

Open: All weekHours: 8.30 a.m. - 7.30 p.m. (lastentrance at 6.00 p.m.)Tickets: Adults € 11,00 - € 20,00 (it allows tovisit in three days Pompeii and Herculaneumexcavations, the Antiquarium of Boscoreale,the Villas in Stabiae, Oplontis excavations) reduced- rate tickets € 5,50 and € 10,00 forunder 24 and EU teachers - free admission forunder 18 and over 65 and for students of HumanisticFacultiesTransport: Circumvesuviana Train to Sorrentoor Poggiomarino, Ercolano Scavi Station;Buses: 254 – 255

The ruins of Herculaneum were discovered bychance during the digging of a well in 1709.The first official excavations, ordered by theBourbons, started in 1738 digging some undergroundpassages. In fact, unlike Pompeii,the ruins of Herculaneum are under a veryhard tufa bed even 8 - 10 meters high. But thishuge stratum of lava allowed protecting thebuildings in Herculaneum better than those inPompeii. Organic materials, such as wood, fabricand food as well as many upper floors ofthe buildings and many sculptures, mosaicsand daily objects, as wine containers havebeen miraculously protected and preservedintact. They are still digging and studying themonumental Villa of the Papyruses, just outof the town, (200 papyruses have been found):discovered digging underground passages,on a large surface, but nowadays only a partialopen-air area can be seen.


Torre Annunziata - Scavi di Oplontis – Excavations of Oplontis at Torre Annunziata

Via Sepolcri - Tel. 081.8575347 - Web site: 

Open: All week - Hours: 8.30 a.m. -7.30 p.m. (last entrance at 18.00 p.m.)Tickets: Adults € 5,50 - € 20,00 (it allowsto visit in three days Pompeii and Herculaneumexcavations, the Antiquarium ofBoscoreale, the Villas in Stabiae, Oplonti excavations)reduced - rate tickets € 2,75 and €10,00 for under 24 and EU teachers - free admissionfor under 18 and over 65 and for studentsof Humanistic FacultiesTransports: Circumvesuviana Train to Sorrentoor Poggiomarino, Torre Annunziata Station

Oplontis excavations are located in the centerof the modern town of Torre Annunziata.They are formed by a series of Archaeologicalfindings, from the Villa of Poppea to theVilla of Tertius, in which, next to some victimsof the eruption, a great deal of goldenand silver coins, together with precious piecesof Goldsmith art were found.


Castellammare di Stabia - Scavi di Stabiae – Excavations of Stabiae at Castellammare di Stabia

Via Passeggiata Archeologica - Tel. 081.8575347 - Web site: 

Open: All week - Hours: 8.30 a.m. - 7.00 p.m.Tickets: Adults € 5,50 - € 20,00 (it allows tovisit in three days Pompeii and Herculaneumexcavations, the Antiquarium of Boscoreale, theVillas in Stabiae, Oplonti excavations) reduced- rate tickets € 2,75 and € 10,00 for under 24and EU teachers - free admission for under 18and over 65 and for students of Humanistic FacultiesTransports: Circumvesuviana, a train to Sorrento,Via Nocera Station

Important strategically and commercial center,ancient Stabiae shows the remains of severalpanoramic villas, SPAs, arches and nymphetbeautifully decorated.


Boscoreale - Antiquarium

Via Settetermini, 15 - Tel. 081.8575347 - Web site: 

Open: All week - Hours: 8.30 a.m.- 7.30 p.m. (last entrance at 6.00 p.m.);Tickets: Adults € 5,50 - € 20,00 (it allows to visitin three days Pompeii and Herculaneum excavations,the Antiquarium of Boscoreale, the Villasin Stabiae, Oplonti excavations) reduced -rate tickets € 2,75 and € 10,00 for under 24 andEU teachers - free admission for under 18 andover 65 and for students of Humanistic FacultiesTransports: Circumvesuviana Train to Poggiomarino,Boscotrecase Station

This Antiquarium, which houses some archaeologicalfinds coming from the archaeologicalsites of the Vesuvio area, shows theprincipal features of the Vesuvio setting duringthe Roman period and the way in whichthe men used the natural resources.


Paestum area archeologica – Zona archeological at Paestum

Via Magna Grecia, 919 - Tel. 0828.722654

Open: All week Museum's hours: 8.30 a.m. - 6.45p.m. Archeological site hours: from 01/10 - 8,30a.m. - 4,30 p.m. from 15/10 8,30 a.m. -4,00p.m.; Ticket fares: € 4,00 archaeological site ormuseum; € 6,50 archaeological area + museum

Paestum, that the ancient Greeks named Poseidonia,was founded in the first years of the VI centuryB.C. by Achaeans coming from Sibari who chosethe fertile plain on the south bank of river Sele; atthe end of the V century the inhabitants of Basilicataconquered the town and in 273 B.C. it became aLatin colony. Today you can visit a large area, dividedinto three zones: two sacred areas that are the Northern sanctuary and the Southern one and apublic area in the middle, which were the GreekAgora and later the Roman forum. In the two shrinesthere are three beautifully kept Doric temples:in the North Ceres’ temple that was dedicated toAthena, in the South the so called Basilica, the templeof Hera and the so called temple of Neptune,probably sacred to Apollo. In the public area thereare buildings of the Greek age (ekklesiateron, heron:the hypogenous tomb of the city founder) andRoman buildings (the forum, the Italic temple, theAmphitheatre and some house areas. The ancienttown is surrounded by walls with four doors at themain compass points (Porta Aurea in the North;Porta Giustizia in the South; Porta Sirena in the Eastand Porta Marina in the West) that can be placedbetween the end of the IV century and the times ofthe Latin colony (III century B.C.).


Capri - Museum “Diefenbach” at the Cloister San Giacomo

Certosa di San Giacomo - Tel. 081.8376218 - Web site: 

Mon, Sun and public holidays closedOpen: Tue - Sat hours: 9.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.Tickets: free admission

The Charterhouse of St. James houses 30paintings by Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach, on large canvases,painted with a sand, bitumen and rubble mixture.From the charterhouse you have a gorgeous sight to the worldwide famous three rocks, the Faraglioni.


Anacapri –Museum at Villa San Michele

Via Axel Munthe, 34 - Tel. 081.8371401 - Web site: 

Open: every dayHours: November - February 09.00 a.m. -3.30 p.m.; March 9.00 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.; Apriland October 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.; MaySeptember 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.Tickets: Adults € 6,00 - reduced - rate ticketsfor Touring Club card Holders, Groups andunder 9

Surrounded by a beautiful garden, the villahouses a collection of medieval marbles, furniture,mosaics and archaeological findsfrom the Egyptian, Etrurian and Roman areas


Sorrento - Museumof wooden marquetry

Via San Nicola 28 – Tel. 081 8771942

Open: Tue - SunClosed on MondaysHours: 10.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. / 3.00 p.m. - 6.30p.m. Ticket fares: Adults € 8,00, groups € 5,00

The museum is located in the 18th century PalazzoPomarici Santomasi, in the center ofSorrento and gathers a large collection of piecesof furniture and objects made by the Sorrentoengravers from the 19th century to ourdays: period paintings, drawings, engravings,prints and pictures about Sorrento’s coast landscapes.The Museum has several sections:the one about the 15th – 19th century woodeninlaid , the one showing the processing techniques,the one with tools and materials,the one about the ornamental themes andsubjects typical of Sorrento craft productionand a design section showing (and selling)objects and pieces of furniture inlaid by todaycraftsmen.


Sorrento - Museo “Correale di Terranova”

Via Correale, 50 - Tel. 081.8781846 - Web site: 

Weekly closing: Tuesday and holidaysOpening hours: 09.30-13.30Transportation: Circumvesuviana towards Sorrento 

The art collections of the Museo Correale presenta wide landscape painting andNeapolitan of decorative arts from the 16th to the 19thcentury. Two rooms dedicated to foreign painters.You see an interesting collection of European watchesand finally one of the most prestigious collectionsEuropean porcelain of the 18th century, Chineseand Neapolitan.


Churches and Sanctuaries




Via Duomo - Napoli

Info: 081.449097

Lun-sab / Mon-Sat 8.30-13-30/14.30-20;

festivi / holidays 8.30.-13.30/16.30 -20



Piazza del Gesù - Napoli

Info: 0815578111 lun-sab / mon-sat

7-13/16.15-19.30 dom /mon 7-




Via Santa Chiara - Napoli

Info: 081.5526371

lun-dom / mon-sun h.7.30-





Piazza del Carmine - Napoli

Info: 081.201196

lun-sab / mon-sat 6.30-12.30/16-19.30

mer / wed 6.30-13.15/16.30-19.30 dom /

sun 6.30-14/17-20




Via San Gregorio Armeno, 1 – Napoli

Info: 081.5520186

9.15-12/ mart e dom 9.15-13




Via dei Tribunali, 39 - Napoli

Info: 081.446810

Progettomuseo per visiteguidate

Lun-sab / Mon-Sat h.9-13

Per visiteguidatecontattareilnumero

081 446810 (lun. ven. h.10.30 alle





Via dell’Eremo, 37 - Napoli


Su prenotazioneneigiorniferiali / By

appointment on week days



Piazzale San Martino, 5 - Napoli

Info: 081.5585942

Merch. / Wed closed Lun-dom /

Mon-Sun h.8.30-18.30



Piazza San Domenico Maggiore

Info: 081.459188

Lun-dom / Mon-Sun h.8.30-




Via Carbonara

Info: 081.295873

soloferiali 8.30-14/15-18


Piazza San Gaetano

Info: 081.290580

Lun-sab / Mon-Sun h.7.45-19.15;

dom / Sun h.7.45-13/17-19.15



Piazza San Gaetano

Info: 081.454048

lun-sab 9-18 dom solo per le celebrazioni



Piazza Monteoliveto

Info: 081.5513333

lun-sab 9-13/16-18



Piazza Plebiscito

Info: 081.7645133

lun-dom 8.30-12/ 16-19



Via dei Tribunali

Info: 081.292316

Lun-sab / Mon-Sat h.9-14



Via Duomo

Info: 081.292316

Lun-sab / Mon-Sat h.9-14



Piazza Miraglia

Info: 081.292316

Lun-sab / Mon-Sat h.9-13



Piazza Miraglia

Info: 081.292316

Lun-sab / Mon-Sat h.9-13



Piazza Enrico De Nicola, 49, Napoli

081 444297

lun-sab / mon-sat 8.30-20.30 dom / sun





Piazza B. Luongo - Pompei

Info: 081.8577111

6.15-14/15-19.30 sab e domorariocontinuato




Via Madonna dell’Arco, 178 -


Info: 081.8999111

Lun-sab / Mon-Sat h. 7-13/15.45-19.30

Dom /Sun h. 7-14/15.45-20.30





Via Nazionale, 788 - Torre del Greco

Info: 081.8832192

Lun-dom / Mon-Sun

h. 07.30-12 / 17-20.30



Via Terra Murata - Procida

Info: 081.8967612

Lun-dom / Mon-Sun h.9.45-12.45

ilpomeriggiosupernotazione / in the

afternoon by appointment




Via delSoccorso - Foriod’Ischia

Info: 081.997156

Lun-dom / Mon-Sun h.8-13/16-18



Corso Italia, 1 – Sorrento s. n. civico

Info: 081.8782248

Lun-dom / Mon-Sun h. 8.30-12.30/ 16.30-




Piazza Umberto I

Info: 081.8370072

Lun-dom / Mon-Sun h.7.30-13/

14-19 lun-dom 07-13/ 16-20



Piazza San Nicola ad Anacapri

Info: 081.8372396

Lun-dom / Mon-Sun h. 9-19




Via Madonnelle - Cimitile

Info: 081.5127141

Lun-sab / Mon-Sat h.9-13/15.30-

19.30 - Dom / Sun h.9-13



Parks and gardens



Via Tito Lucrezio Caro, Napoli

Info: 081 19706082

Lun – dom/Mon – Sun h 7.00 – 20.30



Da Piazza Vittoria a Piazza della Repubblica,


Info: 081 7953651-52

Lun – dom/Mon – Sun h 7.00 – 24.00



Via Sant’Ignazio di Loyola, Napoli

Info: 081 7704930

Lun – dom/Mon – Sun h 7.00 – 20.00



Viale delPoggio, Napoli

Info: 081 7953665

Lun – dom/Mon – Sun h 7.00 – 20.30



Via Agnano-Astroni, 24, Napoli

Info: 081 5583720

Ven – sab - dom/Fri – Sat - Sun h 9.30



Via G. Santacroce, Napoli

Lun – dom/Mon – Sun h 7.00 – 18.00




Vico Trinità degli Spagnoli

Lun – dom/Mon – Sun h 7.00 – 20.30



Via Nicolardi, Napoli

Info: 0817953665

Lun – dom/Mon – Sun h 9.30 – 17.00



Viale dellaResistenza

Info: 081 19700990

Lun – dom/Mon – Sun h 7.00 – 19.30



Discesa Gaiola 27-28, Napoli

Info: 081 2403235 guidate/

guided visits)

Mar – dom/Tue - Sun : estate/summer 10.00


inverno/winter 10.00 – 14.00.



Viale 2 GiugnoFesta della Repubblica

Da S.Giovanni a Teduccio(NA)

Info: 081 7950450

Lun - dom/Mon - Sun h 7.00 - 20.30



Via Palazzo del Principe (presso palazzo Mediceo),


Info: 081 8653911

Lun - ven/Mon - Fri h 9.00 -13.30/14.30-16.00





Via Solfatara, 161 Pozzuoli (NA)

Info: 081 5262341 - 

Lun – dom/Mon – Sun h 8.30 – 19.00




Viale Filangieri, 40, Massa Lubrense (NA)

Info: 0818089877



Via F. Calise,39, Foriod’Ischia (NA)

Info: 081 986220

Mar - gio - sab - dom da Pasqua a fine ottobre/

Tue – Thu – Sat – Sun fron Easter to

31st October h 9.00 – 19.00



Via Antonio Sogliuzzo, Ischia Porto (NA)

Apertotuttol’anno/Open all year



Via Amedeo Maturi, Capri (NA)

Info: 081 8374549

Lun – dom/Mon – Sun h 7.00 fino ad 1ora

prima del tramonto/1 hour before sunset

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